MDF and Pre-Laminated Panels Manufacturers
On it’s mission of bringing Global Technologies in surfaces, Fusion has now Introduced EXCIMER Technology Machines through which a MDF and Pre Lam Panels manufacturer can apply Fingerprint proof and Scratch proof, super matte finish on any type of MDF and Pre Lam Panel.
What is Excimer Technology ?
In Excimer, the Ultra Violet-curing excimer coating (liquid) which is applied in the rolling process, is exposed to radiation with short-wave UltraViolet light of frequency 172 nm in the absence of oxygen. This leads to superficial polymerisation, which causes shrinkage in the volume, which in turn manifests itself in surface folds of varying degrees. This warped or deformed “skin” leads to a diffused reflection of light, which we perceive as a matt effect.
- Dull matt gloss levels without matting agent (gloss levels from 3 to 20)
- Extremely scratch and abrasion resistant coated surfaces
- Increased surface hardness
- Outstanding chemical resistance
- Soft touch effect
- Anti-fingerprint effect
- Perfect reproducibility
- Pleasant feel
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